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Accounting : Account Reference : Diversion Account : Subordination of Right
Subordination of Right
This method allows an exception to the strict prior-appropriation priority determination to be respected by SolveWaterRights().
* None
There is no subordination relationship.
* Subordinate Senior Rights
This method is used to specify that a downstream senior right may have to give up water in the event that this right would be shorted. More than one downstream senior right may be subordinated to this right, in which case, the subordinates give up water to satisfy this right in order of their relative priorities.
This method is used to specify that a downstream senior right may have to give up water in the event that this right would be shorted.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Subordinated Rights
Type: List slot of Accounts
Units: None
Alternate Units: NA
Description: This list slot holds the set of downstream senior rights that are subordinated to this right.
I/O: Input
Revised: 08/04/2020