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Conditional Flow
The Conditional Flow category allows the Gage Inflow slot to be set if the Fractional Flow method has been selected.
* None
The None method is the default for the category. This method does not add or set any slots.
* Fractional Flow
This method is called from the Solve given Condition One, Condition Two dispatch method. It compares two user-specified flow conditions and sets the Gage Inflow slot. Once the Gage Inflow slot has been set, that value immediately propagates to the Gage Outflow slot because the two are linked.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Condition One
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: A slot for comparing two conditions that affect the Gage Inflow slot
Information: This is a dispatch slot that triggers the object to resolve if its value changes. Values are received via: links, user input, or set by rules.
I/O: Required input
 Condition Two
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: A slot for comparing two conditions that affect the Gage Inflow slot
Information: This is a dispatch slot that triggers the object to resolve if its value changes. Values are received via: links, user input, or set by rules.
I/O: Required input
 Normal Flow
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Timeseries of values of Inflow.
Information: When slot Condition One is equal to or greater than slot Condition Two, the Gage Inflow is set to Normal Flow.
I/O: Required input
 Loss Factor
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: NONE
Description: schedule of factors specifying fraction of water remaining after conveyance losses upstream of the gage object. Different rows represent different time points in the schedule, while one column specifies Fraction and the other column specifies Constant. The units on the Constant column are NONE; however the values in this column are treated as flow values with units of cms.
Information: This is a “n x 2” periodic slot where the user specifies the period over which the schedule repeats (1 Year, 1 Month, and so on) and the slot has the capability to generate values for any date from the schedule.
I/O: Required input
Method Details 
In the Fractional Flow method, Gage Inflow is conditional, determined through a comparison between the values in the slots Condition One and Condition Two. If the value in the Condition Two slot is greater than the value in the Condition One slot, the Gage Inflow slot is set to Constant plus Condition One multiplied by Fraction. Otherwise the Gage Inflow slot is set to value in the Normal Flow slot.
Gage Inflow is calculated as follows:
IF (Condition One < Condition Two)
Revised: 08/04/2020