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Optimization : Setting Up and Running an Optimization Model : Set Up and Test a Simulation Model
Set Up and Test a Simulation Model
Before running a model with the Optimization controller, the model should be set up and run in Simulation mode. This allows for checking that all required input data have been provided and also allows for calibration of the physical model. A model should be validated using Simulation (or Rulebased Simulation) before trying to use it for Optimization. Also, recall that a complete Optimization run actually consists of a sequence of three runs using the Simulation, Optimization and Rulebased Simulation controllers (see Standard Controller Sequence), so a working Simulation model is a requirement for running with Optimization.
One common approach is to run the model in Simulation using historic Inflow and Outflow data as inputs and allowing the model to calculate Storage, Pool Elevation, Power, etc, which would be checked against the historic values. Then the Outflow inputs would be removed when running in Optimization to let the Optimization solution set the Outflows.
Note:  When setting up a Simulation or Rulebased Simulation model that will eventually be used for Optimization, it is important to keep in mind that not all objects and Simulation methods are supported by Optimization. Thus the object and method selections in the Simulation model must be made such that they are compatible with Optimization. See Optimization Objects and Methods for descriptions of the objects and methods that are supported by Optimization.
Revised: 08/04/2020