SCT Toolbar
Following is a list of all possible items on the SCT toolbar. The toolbar is customizable; therefore, some items may not be included on a given SCT.

Always appears.

Swap Axis
Can be hidden.

User Controlled Details
Can be hidden. Allows you to switch between detail and summary views.

Summaries Only
Can be hidden. Allows you to display summary info only on the entire tab.

All Details Open
Can be hidden. Allows you to display all details on the entire tab.

Details Only
Can be hidden. Disables time aggregation.

Copy Data
Always appears.

Paste Data
Always appears.

Plot Slots
Can be hidden.

Open Slots
Can be hidden.

Show/Hide Diagnostics
Always appears.

Run Control
Can be hidden.

Start Run
Can be hidden.

Model Run Analysis
Can be hidden.

Resize Columns: Set All to Selected Column Width
Can be hidden. Sets all columns to the same width as the selected column.

Grow Columns: Fit Data
Can be hidden. Increases the width of any columns that are too narrow; does not modify columns that are too wide

Resize Columns: Fit Data
Can be hidden. Decreases the width of any columns that are too wide; does not modify columns that are not wide enough

Resize Columns: Fit All
Can be hidden. Does both; fits text by increasing and decreasing widths, as required
User-configurable flags area
Appears on the Series Slots tab only. Select a button to assign the flag to the selected cells. Depending on how the SCT is configured, any or all of the following flags may be available:

Output (O)

Input (I)

DMI Input (Z)—display only

Target Operation (T)

Best Efficiency (B)

Max Capacity (M)

Drift (D)

Set by Rules (R)

Surcharge Release (S)

Regulated discharge (G)

Unit Values (U)

Appears on all tabs.
Displays the value of the selected cell. If multiple cells are selected, displays the value of the last selected cell. The value is displayed to full precision from the model.
You can enter a value to assign to all selected data cells.

Flow/Volume Display Mode
Appears on all tabs.
Menu allows you to select the display mode.
• Standard - Display flows and volumes without conversion
• Flow - Display volumes as flows (as appropriate)
• Volume - Display Flows as Volumes

Timestep Navigator
Appears on all tabs. Displays the current timestep and provides a variety of navigation options:
• Enter a date in the text field to go to the specified timestep.
• Select the Previous and Next arrows to move one timestep at a time.

Global Time Scroll
Appears on all tabs.
Menu provides options to go directly to the first or last timestep in the model.
• Run Start
• Run Finish

Show Workspace
Select to bring the RiverWare workspace window to the front.