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General Slots
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow rate at the entrance of the object
I/O: Optional; can be input or linked
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow rate at the exit of the object
I/O: Output only
 Forecast Period
Type: TableSlot
Units: NONE
Description: The forecast period is a number of timesteps, including the current simulation timestep, that is used in the algorithms for calculating forecasted hydrology, regulation discharge and flood releases. This can be propagated from a computational subbasin of which the control point is a member.
I/O: Required input
 Upstream Reservoirs
Type: ListSlot
Units: NONE
Description: List of upstream reservoirs that route to this control point during the forecast period.
Information: Routing coefficients must be provided in the Routing Coefficients slot for each reservoir in this list.
I/O: Required input
 Routing Coefficients
Type: TableSlot
Description: Contains linear routing coefficients for routing flow from each reservoir specified in the Upstream Reservoirs slot.
Information: Each column corresponds to a reservoir specified in the Upstream Reservoirs slot. Each row represents a timestep starting with the current timestep. At each intersection of a row and a column is a decimal number to represent the routing coefficient from that reservoir for that timestep. The coefficients in a column for a reservoir must sum to 1.0 and must not be NaN.
Note: The routing coefficients are not used in the solution of Control Point Outflow. They are strictly used in flood control and other basin wide operations; see Flood Control.
I/O: Required input if Upstream Reservoirs are defined
Revised: 12/03/2021