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Diversion Power Bypass
The methods in this category calculate the portion of the diversion from a reservoir that does not pass through the turbines but rather through a bypass structure. This category is dependent on the selection of a method other than the default method, None, in the Diversion Power category.
* None
This is the default method for the Diversion Power Bypass category. No calculations are performed in this method.
If this method is selected, it is assumed that all Diversion flow passes through the turbines.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Bypass Capacity Table
This method sets Diversion Power Bypass to the difference between Diversion and Diversion Turbine Flow if it is not input or set by rules, and it checks that the Diversion Power Bypass does not exceed the maximum based on the Diversion Power Bypass Table. This functions similarly to the Regulated method in the Spill category.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Diversion Power Bypass Table
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length vs Flow
Description: Pool Elevation vs the corresponding maximum diversion power bypass values
I/O: Required input
 Diversion Power Bypass
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: Diversion flow that does not pass through power turbines
Information: If not input or set by rules, Diversion Power Bypass will be set equal to the difference between Diversion and Diversion Turbine Flow.
I/O: Optional input or output
Method Details  
At the beginning of the run, if Diversion Power Bypass is not specified (input or rules), it is initially set to a default value of zero.
On each timestep, the method first checks if both Diversion Power Bypass and Diversion Turbine Flow are input or set by rules. If so, the run terminates with an error message. It necessary to leave at least one of these slots as a free variable.
The method then calculates max diversion power bypass by performing a table interpolation on the Diversion Power Bypass Table using the average Pool Elevation from the end of the current timestep and end of the previous timestep.
If Diversion Power Bypass is input or set by a rule, then the value is checked against the max diversion power bypass, and if it exceeds the max, the run terminates with an error message.
If Diversion Power Bypass is not input or set by a rule, then it is calculated as follows:
The calculated Diversion Power Bypass value is checked against the max diversion power bypass, and if it exceeds the max, the run terminates with an error message.
Revised: 12/03/2021