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Slope Power Reservoir
The Slope Power Reservoir object is similar to the Level Power Reservoir but with added functionality to model the wedge storage or backwater storage effects of a sloped water surface.
General Slots
 Backwater Elevation
Type: Agg Series
Units: Length
Description: Elevation of the reservoir at the top of the dam
 Canal Flow
Type: Agg Series
Units: Flow
Description: Flow into (out of) the reservoir from (to) a canal
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow from the reservoir to a diverting object
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Energy
Description: Product of the power generated by flow through the turbines and the length of the timestep.
Defined by: Replaced by Power * Timestep Length
 Flow FROM Pumped Storage
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow into the reservoir from a pumped storage reservoir
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint. This slot should be linked to Outflow on a Pumped Storage object. The Pumped Storage object constrains its Outflow.
 Flow TO Pumped Storage
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow out of the reservoir into a pumped storage reservoir
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint. This slot should be linked to Pumped Flow on a Pumped Storage object.
Type: MultiSlot
Units: Flow
Description: Inflow into the reservoir from upstream
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint
 Inflow 2
Type: Agg Series
Units: Flow
Description: An additional inflow into the reservoir
 Operating Head
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Elevation difference between the average Pool Elevation and the average Tailwater Elevation during a timestep
Defined by: Replacement by (Pool Elevation(t) + Pool Elevation(t-1)) / 2 - Tailwater Elevation
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Outflow from the reservoir
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable as Outflow = Turbine Release + Spill
 Pool Elevation
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Elevation of the water surface of the Reservoir at the dam
Information: When Pool Elevation is a part of the optimization problem, as it is in all conceivable
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Power
Description: Power generated by flow through the turbines
Defined by: Numerical 3-D Approximation in terms of Operating Head and Turbine Release. Approximation is based on the Plant Power Table. The Power LP Param table contains a value for Operating Head used to index the Operating Head column of the Plant Power Table. This approximated value, therefore, reduces the Power to a function of Turbine Release at the given Operating Head. The flow values in the Power LP Param table are then used as approximation points indexing the Turbine Release column of the Plant Power Table. The Plant Power Table should have increasing values of Operating Head and Turbine Release. Power should be a concave function of Operating Head, but concavity is not strictly enforced; mild non-concave regions are permissible to allow for round-off error, and so on. The preferred order of approximation is substitution, piece-wise, two-point line, tangent.
 Return Flow
Type: MultiSlot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow returning from a diversion object
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable in the mass balance constraint (see Storage)
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Sum of the Bypass, Regulated Spill and Unregulated Spill
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable as Spill = Bypass + Regulated Spill + Unregulated Spill
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume of water stored in the reservoir
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable as Storage = Storage(t-1) + Precipitation Volume - Evaporation - Change in Bank Storage + timestep * ( Inflow + Inflow2 Canal Flow + Flow TO Pumped Storage + Hydrologic Inflow Net + Return Flow - (Outflow + Diversion + Flow FROM Pumped Storage))
 Tailwater Base Value
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Elevation of tailwater or base elevation used to compute elevation of tailwater
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable should be input or linked. See Optimization Tailwater in Optimization for details about related constraints and other objects to which the slot is linked.
 Tailwater Elevation
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Water surface elevation on the downstream side of the dam
Defined by: Various approaches dependent on the method selected in the Optimization Tailwater category.
 Turbine Capacity LP Param
Type: Table
Units: Length, Length, Length
Description: LP Param table for turbine capacity
Information: See power methods for details
 Turbine Release
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow through the turbines of a power reservoir
Defined by: Explicit Optimization variable as Turbine Release <= Power Plant Cap Fraction * Turbine Capacity
Revised: 12/03/2021