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Control Point
A new method called Compute Aggregate Coeffs every Timestep was added to the Control Point's Variable Routing Coefficients category. The new method populates the Computed Routing Coefficients table slot at the start of every timestep. This was implemented as the existing Compute Aggregate Coefficients method re-computes the coefficients only when the flow is above the lowest threshold in all upstream reaches. Otherwise it copies the values in the Routing Coefficients slot. The new method computes the coefficients for any flow condition. For more information, see Compute Aggregate Coeffs every Timestep in Objects and Methods.
Soil Moisture Method Improvements
Enhancements were made to the soil moisture methods on the Agg Diversion Site and Water User as described below.
Agg Diversion Site
On the Agg Diversion Site, the following enhancements were made:
• Dispatch method names were modified with better names.
• A new dispatch method, Solve Sequential given Total Depletion Requested in Objects and Methods, was added to Process Sequential given Depletion Requested.
Water User
On the Water User, the following enhancements were made:
• A new Return Flow method, Variable Efficiency with Soil Moisture (Variable Efficiency with Soil Moisture in Objects and Methods, was added to compute return flow using an efficiency based approach that also includes soil moisture storage. The Supplement Diversion including Soil Moisture was also modified to behave correctly when this new efficiency based return flow method is selected.
• With the Irrigation Requests with Soil Moisture method, a modification was made to compute the Depletion Requested at the beginning of timestep for the current through N future timesteps. This allows the water user to solve for a number of future timesteps, as defined on the Soil Moisture Future Timesteps slot.
• Dispatch method names on the Water User were modified with better names.
• A new dispatch methods was added to the Water User to solve given Depletion Requested. When the Irrigation Requests with Soil Moisture method is selected, the available dispatch methods are now:
– Solve (Stand Alone or Sequential) given Depletion Requested
– Solve (Stand Alone or Sequential) given Diversion
• Slots were added to the appropriate soil moisture methods to model
– Excess Effective Precipitation
– Consumptive Use from Delivered Flow
– Consumptive Use from Soil Moisture
– Consumptive Use from Supplemental
– Efficiency including Soil Moisture.
Revised: 12/03/2021