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The following changes have been made to RiverWare objects.
Groundwater Storage - Negative Storage
The Groundwater Storage object's “Single Computed Outflow” method and “Solve given Inflow” dispatch method were modified to allow for additional iteration at low storage values. Before, the object would error if previous or computed Storage was negative. Now, instead of using hard-coded zero as the bounding condition, the method uses the lower bound from the Storage slot, if specified. If the bound is not specified, zero is used as the minimum to continue to match existing results. Also, only a previous storage less than the lower bound will cause an error. A computed current storage less than the bound causes a warning and allows for iteration.
See the dispatch method documentation Solve given Inflow in Objects and Methods for more information.
Reservoirs - Power Plant Efficiency Curve Table Slots
Within the Power Reservoir’s Plant Efficiency Curve method, the following generated tables are now saved in the model file:
• Auto Best Turbine Q
• Auto Max Turbine Q
• Auto First Turbine Q
Similarly, within the reservoir Diversion Power Efficiency Curve method, the slot Diversion Max Turbine Table is also now saved in the model file. See Diversion Power Efficiency Curve in Objects and Methods for more information.
Revised: 01/10/2022