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Water Rights Allocation
The selected method in this category is executed by the SolveWaterRights RPL function; see SolveWaterRights, SolveWaterRightsWithLags in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL).
* None
There are no slots or calculations associated with this method.
* Prior Appropriation
This method, if selected, is executed by the SolveWaterRights RPL function; see SolveWaterRights, SolveWaterRightsWithLags in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL). See Water Rights Allocation in Accounting for details on the Water Rights Allocation solver. The method allocates water from a specified “allocatable flow” supply chain to prioritized water accounts in the specified subbasin, meeting the “first in time, first in right” requirement.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Top of Conservation Pool
Type: Scalar Slot
Units: None
Description: The Operating Level that represents the top of the conservation pool
Information: This slot appears on the subbasin only for the convenience of propagating the value to all reservoirs in the subbasin (propagation is optional). Reservoirs that hold any storage rights accounts must have the Top of Conservation Pool slot defined. (See the documentation for the Reservoir Object, Operating Levels category.)
I/O: Input only
 Shortage Tolerance
Type: Scalar Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Any shortage less than this amount will be considered zero by this water rights allocation method. Choosing a non-zero value for this slot will reduce the amount of processing spent on very small allocation differences (that is, in making cutbacks).
I/O: Input only
 Lag Distance
Type: Scalar Slot
Units: NONE
Description: Maximum lag in number of timesteps from any headwater passthrough account in the subbasin to the downstream-most passthrough account in the subbasin. This slot keeps track of passthrough account lags only (not return flow lags).
Information: This value is computed when the subbasin is verified (either through the GUI due to user actions, or at the beginning of a run), and is used to compute the local timestep offsets of passthrough accounts in the subbasin.
I/O: Cannot be input
 Minimum Appropriation
Type: Scalar Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Any potential appropriation less than this amount will be reduced to zero by this water rights allocation method. Choosing a non-zero value for this slot will reduce the processing spent on making very small allocations.
Note:  RiverWare uses a minimum of 1e-12 cms for this value. This is not a default; it is the smallest functional value that RiverWare uses, even if you choose a smaller value (that is, zero) for this slot.
I/O: Input only
Type: Not linkable
Revised: 01/10/2022