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Objects and Methods : Computational Subbasin : User Methods : WaterUser Surface Return Flow
WaterUser Surface Return Flow
This category is dependent on selection of the Link to MODFLOW 2000 RIP ET method in the Groundwater Computation category; see Link to MODFLOW 2000 RIP ET.
* None
This is the default method. There are no slots associated with this method.
* One to One Exchange
Note:  RiverWare’s connection with MODFLOW is currently not functional. This method has been disabled and cannot be selected. An error will be posted at model load if this method was previously selected. Contact CADSWES for help.
This method maps the Water User Surface Return Flow to MODFLOW slot value, to the WaterUser Surface Return Flow to MODFLOW slot for each corresponding segment designated in the WaterUser Surface Return Flow Map slot. The surface return flow values in the WaterUser Surface Return Flow to MODFLOW slot are transferred to MODFLOW and assigned as inflow into the specified segment.
Slots Specific to This Method
 WaterUser Surface Return Flow Map
Type: Table slot
Units: No units
Description: Maps a MODFLOW STR or SFR segment to a Water User object specified on the subbasin
Information: The segment number of each MODFLOW STR or SFR segment receiving a surface return flow is input by the user and the corresponding Water User object needs to be set as the row title.
I/O: Input only
 WaterUser Surface Return Flow to MODFLOW
Type: Table Series slot
Units: Flow
Description: Surface water return flow to each MODFLOW segment specified in the WaterUser Surface Return Flow Map slot. The column labels are automatically defined at the beginning of the run, MODFLOW initialization. The user unit configuration (cfs, ft3/day, and so on) selected on this slot must match with the units used in MODFLOW.
Information: Transferred to MODFLOW
I/O: Output only
Revised: 01/10/2022