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Objects and Methods : Control Point : User Methods : Include Locals in Outflow
Include Locals in Outflow
* Locals Included in Outflow
This method is the default for this Category and does not make any changes to the operation of the model. Local inflows will be included in the outflow.
* Locals Not Included in Outflow
This method will prevent local inflows from being included in the Outflow slot. A new slot, Total Discharge, will be created that accounts for the actual flow at the control point including upstream inflows and local inflows. This method will set the Outflow slot equal to inflow.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Total Discharge
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Flow
Description: The actual flow at the control point including upstream inflows and local inflows. (Different than Outflow slot)
I/O: Output only
Revised: 01/10/2022