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Objects and Methods : Control Point : Dispatch Methods
Dispatch Methods
This object has the following dispatch method.
* Solve given Inflow
This dispatch method solves for the outflow from the Control Point, using known values for Inflow and Local Inflow.
Following are required knowns and unknowns, at the current timestep.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow
Method Details  
The dispatch method solves for the outflow from the Control Point, using known values for Inflow and Local Inflow; however, a Local Inflow value is not required for the object to dispatch. If there is no Local Inflow, the Outflow is simply equal to the Inflow. If there is a Local Inflow value, the Outflow is the sum of the Inflow and Local Inflow.
It is also possible that the method Locals Not Included in Outflow is turned on. In this case a new slot, Total Discharge—the sum of the Inflow and the Local Inflow—is available.
With this method turned on, the Local Inflow is not included in the Outflow; therefore, Outflow is simply equal to the Inflow.
Note:  Flow is not routed through the Control Point. That is, the Routing Coefficients slot values are not used in the solution of Control Point Outflow. They are strictly used in flood control and other basin wide operations; see Flood Control for details.
If the regulation discharge (G) flag is set for the timestep on the Reg Discharge Calculation slot, the dispatch method recognizes this and executes the selected regulation discharge method and any dependent methods for the control point. This flag can only be set by a rule. After execution, the regulation discharge flag is removed so that regulation discharge will not redispatch unless this flag is reset by a rule. Each time regulation discharge is executed for a timestep, the value in the Reg Discharge Calculation slot is incremented so that it records the number of times that regulation discharge has been executed for the timestep. A rule (R) flag will typically remain in this slot after execution to show that its value was set as a result of a rule.
After executing regulation discharge, the dispatch method checks to see if outflow has changed from its previous value. If it has not, the outflow slot is not reset using the regulation discharge rule priority. This prevents the regulation discharge rule priority from propagating downstream and triggering unnecessary and, in some cases, undesirable resolving.
Revised: 01/10/2022