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Canal Seepage Routing
The option to route seepage becomes visible after a method to calculate seepage is chosen. In general, a seepage routing method makes visible a Prerouted seepage slot. This slot contains the values for seepage that have not been routed. The routed values are contained in the Canal Seepage slot. If a link exists that links seepage to another object and a seepage routing method is chosen, the link will propagate the values of the routed seepage.
* No Routing
This is the default method which will not route seepage. The values for seepage are calculated depending on the user method chosen for Canal Seepage. These values are contained in the Canal Seepage slot.
* Impulse Response
This method will calculate the routed seepage based on the impulse response method of routing.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Number of Coefficients
Type: TableSlot
Units: NONE
Description: The integer number of lag coefficients to be used in the method.
I/O: Required input
 Lag Coefficients
Type: TableSlot
Units: NONE
Description: The impulse response lag coefficients
Information: The number of lag coefficients must be the same as the value in the Number of Coefficients slot. The input will be in rows.
I/O: Required input.
 PreRouted Seepage
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: The seepage values before routing.
Information: This slot contains the values of seepage that have not been routed. The routed values will be contained in the Canal Seepage slot. If the user method for Canal Seepage is Input Seepage, the values are to be inputted in this slot.
I/O: Output/Input (see Information)
Method Details 
The Routed Seepage is calculated as follows:
where C is a lag coefficient and ncoeff is the number of lag coefficients.
Revised: 01/10/2022