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Objects and Methods : Inline Pump : User Methods : Inline Pump Hydraulics
Inline Pump Hydraulics
The user-selectable methods for Inline Pump Hydraulics include None and Head Lookup. None is the default method and makes no other calculations. The Head Lookup method uses the Pump Curve table and the inflow to calculate head added by the pump.
* None
This is the default method and performs no calculations.
* Head Lookup
This method uses the Pump Curve table and the flow rate to calculate the head added by the pump.
In this method, either Inflow Head or Outflow Head must be given—either set as an input or set through a link—to calculate the other. If Inflow Head is input or set through a link, Outflow Head is calculated; if Outflow Head is input or set through a link, Inflow Head is calculated.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Inflow head
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Inflow Head at the Inline Pump Object
I/O: Input or output
 Outflow head
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Outflow Head at the Inline Pump Object
I/O: Input or output
 Head Added
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Operating head added by the Inline Pump
I/O: Output
 Minor Losses
Type: ScalarSlot
Units: Length
Description: Minor Losses at the Inline Pump
I/O: Input only
 Pump Curve Table
Type: TableSlot
Units: Length Vs. Flow
Description: A table that exhibits a curve for Head versus Flow. It is used to interpolate head added by the pump from the flow rate
I/O: Input only
 Pump Status
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: No Units
Description: This slot defines the status of the pump at each timestep. A value of 1 indicates the pump is on, a value of 0 indicates the pump is off. Unless input, the pump is assumed to be on.
I/O: Input or set by a rule; defaults to 1
Method Details  
The calculations used for this method proceeds as follows.
1. The Pump Status value is checked to determine whether the pump is on or off.
– If the pump is off, the HeadAdded is set to zero.
– If the pump is on (=1), the Inflow is used as the lookup value in the Pump Curve Table to determine the Head Added by the pump. The Outflow Head is then calculated.
2. If solving given Outflow, the Inflow Head is calculated.
Revised: 01/10/2022