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Hydrologic Inflow
The Hydrologic Inflow category allows RiverWare to accommodate inflows to a Reservoir that are not part of the main channel and/or are not gauged. The user methods in this category may be used to initialize the Hydrologic Inflow slot if it is required by the user. If the Hydrologic Inflow slot has been initialized, it is figured into the mass balance when the object dispatches.
* None
None is the default method for the Hydrologic Inflow category. No calculations are performed by this method.
If this method is selected, the Hydrologic Inflow slot is not initialized and is therefore not included in the mass balance.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Input Hydrologic Inflow
The Input Hydrologic Inflow method should be used when the user wishes either to input the values of Hydrologic Inflow or have the values default to zero. RiverWare will not overwrite any user input values.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Hydrologic Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow into the reservoir that is not gauged and/or does not enter through the main channel.
I/O: Optional; defaults to zero if not input.
 Hydrologic Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: Optional adjustment that can be made to the calculated Hydrologic Inflow
I/O: Optional; set to zero if not input by the user.
 Hydrologic Inflow Net
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: Sum of hydrologic Inflow and Hydrologic Inflow Adjust
I/O: Output only
Method Details 
The algorithm used for this method is very simple. If Hydrologic Inflow is not input by the user, it is set equal to zero. Hydrologic Inflow Net is calculated as the sum of Hydrologic Inflow and Hydrologic Inflow Adjust.
Revised: 01/10/2022