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Pumped Storage Reservoirs
Previously the Pumped Storage Reservoir Unit Pump Power method only worked correctly when there was a single pump type. The method has been enhanced to work with multiple pump types. The pumps are added in the best efficiency order to meet the specified Pumped Flow, Pump Power or Pumps Used.
See Pump Power in Objects and Methods for more information.
Water User and Agg Diversion Site
Supplemental Diversions with Soil Moisture on a Sequential Agg Diversion Site
Modifications were made to allow Water User code to allow Supplemental Diversions with Soil Moisture on a sequential Agg Diversion Site. Now the user can select Supplement Diversion with Soil Moisture from the Conjunctive Use category on a water user element when using the Sequential structure. See Supplement Diversion including Soil Moisture in Objects and Methods for more information.
In addition, salinity can be modeled on these water users; see Supplemental Diversions with Soil Moisture Salt on a Sequential Agg Diversion Site for details.
Reach and Distribution Canal
Conductance Factor
On the Reach and Distribution Canal, a new Conductance Factor series slot with periodic input was added to the Head Based Seepage method. If the slot has a valid value, it is included in the seepage calculation as follows:
The Conductance Factor slot allows you to adjust the conductance within a run due to canal lining or other conditions where the conductance is not constant.
See Head Based Seepage in Objects and Methods for details on the reach method.
See Head Based Seepage in Objects and Methods for details on the distribution canal method.
Revised: 01/10/2022