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This section describes changes to RiverWare Objects.
New Aquifer Object
A new Aquifer object was added to the palette. The Aquifer object solves the saturated groundwater flow equations at a user-specified timestep, which could be larger than the run timestep. Physical processes modeled include pumping and groundwater flow in up to six directions. Links are created between the Aquifer and the adjacent aquifers and up to one overlying groundwater object.
See Aquifer in Objects and Methods, for more information on this new object.
Groundwater - New Percolation Method
A new percolation method was added to work with the Aquifer object. The Head Based Linked Percolation adds the Deep Aquifer Elevation Previous which can be linked to the Aquifer object.
Reservoir- New Unregulated Spill Type method
A new method, Bare Crest, Table Only, was added to the Unregulated Spill Type category. This method behaves like the Bare Crest Only method, but does not limit the unregulated spill by the volume above the spill way crest. This is useful for reservoirs with large inflows and outflows compared to the volume in storage above the crest. See Bare Crest, Table Only in Objects and Methods for more information.
Revised: 01/10/2022