Reach Optimization Total Dissolved Gas
This category is only available if Propagate TDG method is selected for the Reach Water Quality category. It contains two methods, the default no-action None method and the Propagate TDG Deltas.
This is the default no-action method.
Propagate TDG Deltas
This is the optimization component of TDG modeling. See also the simulation model described above. This method instantiates the slots and then sets up the data necessary for the Optimization problem. The defining constraints are also described below.
Slots Specific to This Method
Delta Inflow
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: This slot represents the optimization variable for Delta Inflow
Links: Linkable
Delta Outflow
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: This slot represents the optimization variable for Delta Outflow.
Links: Linkable
Delta Inflow TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot represents the optimization variable for Delta Inflow TDG Concentration.
Links: Linkable
Delta Outflow TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot represents the optimization variable for Delta Inflow TDG Concentration.
Links: Linkable
Method Details
For the this method, the deltas and concentrations must also be routed. A constraint is added to define the outflows as a lag from the inflow, for both delta concentration, delta flows and concentrations.
Note: Flows and TDG deltas are lagged by separate slots which may or may not contain the same lag value.
This method is also available when No Routing is used. In that case, the lag is assumed to be zero (and is not shown) and outflow values equal inflow values. See
Optimization Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) for more information on the optimization solution for TDG on the Reservoir.