Surface Heat Flux
These methods represent the flux of heat across the reservoir surface. It is used as a heat source or sink for the upper layers of the reservoir model.
This is the default method, and is not a valid method for calculation. An error is flagged if this method is executed.
Energy Balance
The flux method determines the flux from incoming solar radiation, incoming longwave radiation, outgoing radiation from the reservoir, outgoing heat due to conduction, and outgoing heat due to evaporation.
Slots With Required Input Data
• Air Temperature
• Temperature—This method requires a current epilimnion temperature, which is a column of the Temperature Agg Series Slot.
• Dewpoint Temperature
• Wind Velocity
• Incoming Solar Radiation
Slots With Output Data
• Heat of Evaporation
• Surface Heat Flux
Method Details
This method calculates the surface flux as follows (each variable represents a utility method described below):