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Initial Request
The methods in this category specify how the diversion account calculates the Initial Request in the water rights allocation. These methods are valid only if the account has a water right as specified by the Priority Right method.
* None
No initial request is necessary or specified. This is the default.
* Specify Initial Request
This method allows the user to specify the initial appropriation request for use in a prioritized water rights allocation.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Initial Request
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: The initial water rights appropriation request. This amount is used by the water rights solver to compute the Appropriation Request slot value. The Initial Request is the amount of water this right would like to appropriate, without consideration of physical and legal constraints such as the capacity of the diversion structure, or accrual maximums.
I/O: Input or Rules
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: The difference between the Initial Request and the diversions coming into the account.
I/O: Account Method
* Disaggregated by Subbasin
The initial request is calculated from annual values.
Annual requests are disaggregated to this model’s timestep according to the values specified in the computational subbasin. This method is executed from the computational subbasin at the beginning of the run. See Account Initial Request in Objects and Methods for additional information.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Initial Request
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: The initial water rights appropriation request
I/O: Input or Rules
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Alternate Units: Flow
Description: The difference between the Initial Request and the diversions coming into the account.
I/O: Account Method
 Annual Request
Type: Series Slot, 1 Year timestep
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: The aggregated annual request values from which the Initial Request values will be derived by a computational subbasin at the beginning of a run.
I/O: Input. Required if this method is selected.
* Max Permitted
The initial request is assumed to be unbounded, so that the resulting Appropriation Request slot value is the maximum amount permitted by all other constraints, such as the amount of water available in the supply chain, physical constraints such as diversion structure capacity, and legal constraints such as minimum bypass, and not shorting downstream senior accounts, unlike the calculations of Appropriation Request with all other method selections. The Initial Request and Shortage slots are not made available when this method is selected. When this method is selected, the permitted appropriation is left in the Appropriation Request slot, but no appropriation is made.
Revised: 01/11/2023