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Outflow Limitation
This category is available on reaches.
* None
No outflow limitation is defined.
* Scalar Max Outflow
The passthrough will limit the outflow to the max outflow and send the remaining water to the diversion supply. One sample use of this method is when you want to send all of the water in a supply chain to a single diversion account. You can set the Max Outflow to zero. There is no need to set the diversion supply as it will be set when the passthrough solves.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Max Outflow
Type: Scalar
Units: Flow
Description: The maximum that can flow through the Outflow supply.
I/O: Required Input or error
Method Details 
When this method is selected, the passthrough account solution equations limit the Outflow to the Max Outflow. Remaining water goes to the linked diversion supply. See Solution Detail for Passthrough Accounts With Outflow Limitation for descriptions of the solution equations.
There are a few limitations with this method:
• There must be exactly one Diversion supply coming off the passthrough account. This will be checked at run time.
• The Max Outflow method only applies to a single passthrough account, not the entire object.
• This method can be used in a SolveWaterRights algorithm but the linked diversion supply cannot be used to meet a water right. In that case, the passthrough account would be overdetermined as both the solver and this account would be trying to set the diversion supply.
Revised: 01/11/2023