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Objects and Methods : Aggregate Diversion Site
Objects and Methods
Aggregate Diversion Site
The Aggregate Diversion Site (Agg Diversion Site) object contains Water User objects as elements. The aggregate object allows many Water Users with separate diversions, return flows, and consumptive uses to be combined on the RiverWare workspace to simplify model representation.
There are three possible structures defined on the Agg Diversion Site:
• Sequential Structure
• Lumped Structure
• No Structure (default)
The linking structures define how the Water User objects behave relative to each other and their containing Agg Diversion Site. Links between the Agg Diversion Site object and the reach or reservoir object to which it is connected are made by the user. Links among the Water Users and between the Agg Diversion Site and the Water Users are done automatically according to the linking structure that the user has selected. The User Method section explains how to select the different linking structures.
Revised: 01/11/2023