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Available Flow
This category includes the calculations necessary to set Available for Diversion, based on either available flow in the Reach/Reservoir or head/elevation data.
* None
This is the default user method for the Available Flow category. It performs no calculations.
If this method is selected, an error is posted when the model is run. For the model to run, you must select Available Flow Diversion, Gravity Diversion, or Pumped Diversion.
* Available Flow Diversion
Available for Diversion is set through a link to the Available for Diversion slot on the Reach or Reservoir. You can also input Available for Diversion, if needed.
The values in Available for Diversion either propagate across a link from the Reach or Reservoir or are input by the user. Therefore, no calculations are performed in this method.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Max Diversion
Type: TableSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: Maximum amount of water that can pass through the Diversion Object
I/O: Optional
 Min Diversion
Type: TableSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: Lower limit on the amount of water that can be requested.
Information: Can be used if the Diversion Requests are very small and a particular flow rate is required for water to pass through the Diversion Object.
I/O: Optional
* Gravity Diversion
The Gravity Diversion method calculates Available for Diversion based on the Diversion Intake Elevation, Diversion Base Elevation, and Gravity Head Flow Table.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Diversion Base Elevation
Type: TableSlot
Description: Elevation of the bottom of the intake of the Diversion Object
I/O: Required input
 Diversion Intake Elevation
Type: SeriesSlot
Description: Water surface elevation at the intake of the Diversion Object
I/O: Required
 Gravity Head Flow Table
Type: TableSlot
Units: LENGTH vs. FLOW
Description: Defines the relationship between Diversion Head and Max Flow into the Diversion Object
Information: Values must be input to define the relationship between Effective Diversion Head and Flow into the Diversion Object if the Gravity Diversion method is selected.
I/O: Required input
Method Details  
The calculations used to determine Available for Diversion are as follows:
The value of Diversion Head is then used in an interpolation method to find the corresponding flow rate from the Gravity Head Flow Table. Available for Diversion is then set to the value returned from the interpolation method.
* Pumped Diversion
The Pumped Diversion method calculates Available for Diversion based on the Diversion Intake Elevation, Diversion Base Elevation, and Pumped Head Flow Table.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Diversion Base Elevation
Type: TableSlot
Description: Elevation of the bottom of the intake of the Diversion Object
I/O: Required input
 Diversion Intake Elevation
Type: SeriesSlot
Description: Water surface elevation at the intake of the Diversion Object
I/O: Required
 Pumped Head Flow Table
Type: TableSlot
Units: LENGTH vs. FLOW
Description: Defines the relationship between Diversion Head and Max Flow into the Diversion Object
I/O: Required input
Method Details  
The calculations used to determine Available for Diversion are as follows:
The value of Diversion Head is then used in an interpolation method to find the corresponding flow rate from the Pumped Head Flow Table. Available for Diversion is then set to the value returned from the interpolation method.
Revised: 01/11/2023