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Objects and Methods : Reach : User Methods : Local Inflow and Solution Direction
Local Inflow and Solution Direction
The Local Inflow and Solution Direction methods determine how the Local Inflow is calculated. This method category is available for all routing methods except Storage Routing and Variable Storage Routing. This category can also affect how the simulation dispatches (the solution direction). You can limit what dispatch methods are available.
* No Local Inflow, Solve Inflow or Outflow
This method is the default for the category, and should be selected when modeling of local inflow is not desired and the model should be able to solve for either inflow or outflow.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Specify Local Inflow, Solve Inflow or Outflow
This method treats Local Inflow as an optional input. It is not available for the Storage Routing or Variable Storage Routing methods.
When this method is selected, the Generate Local Inflows category becomes visible. Within this category, methods are available to generate the Local Inflow.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Local Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: local inflow into the reach
Information: Local Inflow is added to Inflow then the resulting flow is routed. Local Inflow is not included in the calculation of Available for Diversion.
I/O: Optional; if this slot is not linked and not input, it is set to zero.
 Local Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: adjustment made to the local inflow
Information: Only used with the No Routing method. The functionality of this slot is discussed in the No Routing dispatch methods.
I/O: Output only
* Solve Inflow, Outflow or Local Inflow
This method is only available for the No Routing method, and allows local inflow to be a third variable in the Routing method. This method changes the dispatch conditions for the No Routing method so that two of the following parameters; Inflow, Outflow and Local Inflow must be known to solve for the third.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Local Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: local inflow into the reach
I/O: Optional; if this slot is not input, it will be solved for when both Inflow and Outflow are known. If it is input, when either Inflow or Outflow are known, the other will be solved for.
 Local Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: adjustment made to the local inflow
Information: Only used with the No Routing method when Outflow or Local Inflow are solved for. The functionality of this slot is discussed in the No Routing dispatch methods.
I/O: Optional
* Contingent Local Inflow or Solve Outflow
This method is only available for the No Routing method.
It allows local inflow to be a third variable in the Routing method when inflow and outflow are both known. This method changes the dispatch conditions for the No Routing method, so that either Inflow and Outflow must be known to solve for Local Inflow; or Inflow must be known to solve for the Outflow (and Local Inflow is assumed to be zero).
This method is designed to allow for the use of non-continuous gaged data for reconciliation, when it is available. It may be used by supplying Inflow for all timesteps, supplying gage data at an object below the reach when it is available as outflow, and leaving the unknown data as NaN.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Local Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: local inflow into the reach
I/O: Optional; if this slot is not input but inflow and outflow are known, it will be solved for. If outflow is not known, the reach will solve for outflow given inflow assuming local inflow is zero. Or, the slot can be input and the reach will solve for outflow given inflow and local inflow.
 Local Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: adjustment made to the local inflow
Information: This slot is only used with the No Routing method.
I/O: Optional
* Solve Local Inflow or Outflow
This method is available only for the No Routing method.
It allows local inflow to be a third variable in the Routing method when inflow and outflow are both known. This method changes the dispatch conditions for the No Routing method, so that either Inflow and Outflow must be known to solve for Local Inflow, or Inflow and Local Inflow must be known to solve for the Outflow.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Local Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: local inflow into the reach
I/O: Optional; if this slot is not specified but inflow and outflow are known, it will be solved for. Or, the slot can be specified and the reach will solve for outflow given inflow and local inflow.
 Local Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: adjustment made to the local inflow
Information: This slot is only used with the No Routing method.
I/O: Optional
* Specify Local Inflow, Solve Outflow
This method is available for the No Routing and Time Lag routing methods.
It allows Local Inflow to be a second variable in the Routing method when Inflow is known. This method changes the available dispatch conditions. For the No Routing method, the available dispatch method is Solve given Inflow, No Routing. For Time Lag routing, the available dispatch method is Solve given Inflow, Time Lag, Downstream Only.
When this method is selected, the Generate Local Inflows category becomes visible. Within this category, methods are available to generate the Local Inflow.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Local Inflow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: local inflow into the reach
I/O: Optional; if this slot is not input, it will default to zero. If it is input the reach will solve for outflow given inflow and Local Inflow.
 Local Inflow Adjust
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: adjustment made to the local inflow
Information: This slot is only used with the No Routing method.
I/O: Optional
* No Local Inflow, Solve Outflow
This method is available for the No Routing and Time Lag routing methods.
It changes the available dispatch conditions. For the No Routing method, the available dispatch method is Solve given Inflow, No Routing. For Time Lag routing, the available dispatch method is Solve given Inflow, Time Lag, Downstream Only.
There are no slots specific to this method.
Revised: 01/11/2023