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Input Energy Adjustment
This method category is only available for Plant Power Coefficient Release, Plant Efficiency Curve Release, or Plant Power Equation Release methods in the Power Release category. Its purpose is to adjust input Energy values if they violate a physical constraint.
* None
This is the default method. It performs no calculations and there are no slots associated with it. The Energy values will not be adjusted if this method is selected.
* Reduce Input Energy
This method is used to reduce the input Energy value whenever it exceeds the maximum power (due to turbine capacity).
Slots Specific to This Method
 Requested Energy
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: The Energy value before being adjusted
Information: This slot is available so that the user can see when an Energy value is adjusted. The value in this slot is the energy value before being adjusted. A value exists in this slot only if the Energy value is adjusted.
I/O: Output only
Method Details  
If the Energy slot value leads to a power that is greater than the maximum reservoir power (due to plant capacity, Plant Power Limit, and so on), this method saves the Energy value in the Requested Energy slot. Then, the Maximum Capacity flag is set on the Energy slot. The reservoir is then forced to resolve with the Energy set to Max Capacity (instead of the original, input value). When the reservoir solves the second time, it computes the maximum reservoir Energy and sets this value on the Energy slot. The Maximum Capacity flag remains on the Energy slot for the timestep in question (and will be saved with the model file).
Revised: 01/11/2023