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Low Flow Releases
This category is only used to add the slots necessary for low flow release calculations. These slots are generally used by a RPL function (called MeetLowFlowRequirement) to compute the low flow releases necessary to meet the low flow requirements on control point objects.
* None
This method performs no calculations and adds no slots.
* Enable Low Flow Releases
This method performs no calculations. It simply adds the Low Flow Release slot and Maximum Low Flow Delivery Rate slot.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Low Flow Release
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Portion of the Outflow that is intended to meet a low flow requirement
Information: This slot is normally computed by a RPL function (MeetLowFlowRequirement) that computes the low flow releases necessary to meet the low flow requirements on control point objects.
I/O: Usually set by a rule
 Maximum Low Flow Delivery Rate
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Maximum low-flow delivery rate for the reservoir
Information: This value is used by the RPL function (MeetLowFlowRequirement) that determines the low flow releases from each reservoir. Low flow releases will be limited to this value.
I/O: Required input
Revised: 01/11/2023