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General Slots
 Canal Flow
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow into (out of) the reservoir from (to) a canal
I/O: Output only
 Convergence Percentage
Type: Table
Units: NONE
Description: A percentage value ranging from 0 to 1 used for convergence in all iterative calculations
Information: See Reservoir Convergence for more information on the convergence algorithm.
I/O: Optional; defaults to 0.0001 if not input.
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow from the reservoir to a diverting object
Information: If not linked or input it is set to zero.
I/O: Optional; may be input or linked or neither
 Diversion Capacity
Type: Scalar Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Used to hold the maximum diversion physically possible from the reservoir
Information: This slot is used in the accounting system for allocation purposes and can be used in Rulebased Simulation
I/O: Input only
 Elevation Volume Table
Type: Table
Description: reservoir pool elevation vs. reservoir storage
I/O: Required input
 Flow FROM Pumped Storage
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow into the reservoir from a pumped storage reservoir
I/O: Optional; usually linked if used.
 Flow TO Pumped Storage
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow out of the reservoir into a pumped storage reservoir
I/O: Optional; usually linked if used.
Type: Multi Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: inflow into the reservoir from upstream
I/O: Optional; if not input by the user, it is set through either mass balance computations or the propagation of values across the link.
 Max Iterations
Type: Table
Description: maximum number of allowable iterations for iterative loops in the solution algorithms
Information: Used in conjunction with Convergence Percentage as a stopping criterion for iterative calculations.
I/O: Optional; defaults to 100 if not input.
 Max Release
Type: Table
Units: LENGTH vs. FLOW
Description: reservoir pool elevation vs. maximum release through controlled outlet-conduit of a reservoir (excluding spill)
I/O: Required input
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: outflow from reservoir
Information: The Outflow from a Storage Reservoir is equal to the sum of the Release and the Spill.
I/O: Optional; if not input by the user, it is set through either the mass balance computations or the propagation of values across the link.
 Pool Elevation
Type: Series Slot
Description: elevation of the water surface in the reservoir
Information: There must be an initial value for either Storage or Pool Elevation given by the user for the first timestep.
I/O: Optional; if not input by the user, it is solved by the mass balance computations. It may take a TARGET flag indicated by the user for target operation solution.
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow through the outlet-conduit of a storage reservoir (excluding spill)
I/O: Optional; solved for if not input.
 Return Flow
Type: Multi Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow returning from a diverting object
I/O: Optional; defaults to zero if not linked or input.
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Sum of the regulated and unregulated spills and bypass
I/O: Optional; may be input or solved for by RiverWare (see spill calculation methods).
Type: Series Slot
Description: volume of water stored in the reservoir
Information: This slot may be flagged as a TARGET storage value by the user. If flagged as a TARGET, a target operation solution is used.
I/O: Optional; if not input by the user, it is set through mass balance computations.
 Total Inflows
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: Summary slot displaying the flows into and out of the reservoir excluding the flows through the outlet works
Information: Total Inflows is calculated. Any component that is not in use or is not valid defaults to zero.
I/O: Output only
 Inflow Sum
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: Sum of the total flows entering the reservoir at each timestep
Information: Inflow Sum is calculated.
I/O: Output only
Note:  Either the initial (Beginning of Run) value for Pool Elevation or Storage must be input by the user.
Revised: 01/11/2023