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Modeling a Thermal Object
Use these steps to convert a model created prior to RiverWare 5.1 to RiverWare 5.1.
1. Extract model information using an old executable.
a. Load the model.
b. Deactivate any policy referencing the Thermal Object.
c. Save the Opt Goal set: we will load it later.
d. Record the selected thermal method: we will later use the power source ordering.
e. Record Avoided Operating Cost upper and lower bounds.
f. Record the Block End Tolerance: slot is replicating and changing to scalar slot.
g. Record the reporting method: we will reinstate it.
2. Put information into model using 5.1 executable.
a. Change the thermal methods as desired for each Linear, Block, or Thermal category.
1. Set the power source ordering for each selected method.
For example: Nan for sources that used to come before Block or Therm in the old method name; 1,2, and so on, for sources after Block or Therm.
2. Avoided Operating Cost for each selected method; for example, Linear Avoided Operating Cost.
View Configuration
Lower Bound = 0 (or available from earlier executable unless this is a new method)
Upper Bound = 1e7 (for example) (or available from earlier executable unless this is a new method)
3. Import costs if they weren't transferred from the previous model for some reason.
4. Set Hydro Block Use bounds for block method if missing.
5. Set (Block or Thermal) End Tolerance.
b. Set the reporting methods for simulation as desired (optional).
One reporting category for each selected power economic evaluation method.
Typically, set the method in this category to report the same thing used in an optimization objective function.
c. Load the goal set and replace any thermal slot references to old slots with the new method-specific versions of the slots.
3. The Total Hydro Capacity slot on the Thermal object should have values by the end of simulation either by linking to Hydro Capacity on power reservoirs (plant power methods) or by setting the slot to input (Unit Power Table method). The economic value of power generation can be limited by Total Hydro Capacity. In particular, negative or invalid values for Total Hydro Capacity result are treated as zero capacity.
Revised: 01/11/2023