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Water Quality
Rulebased Simulation
Water Quality may now be enabled as a Post Process when the Rulebased Simulation Controller is active. The same WQ Constituents, WQ Solution Approaches, and User Methods which are available with the Simulation Controller may be selected for Rulebased Simulation. To invoke the window for enabling Water Quality, select the View Controller Specific Parameters button in the Run Control dialog.
Distributed Annual Salt Loading
The Distributed Annual Salt Loading User Method has been modified to internally calculate the annual mass and monthly non-shortage return flow salt mass. Previously, the monthly data was calculated by the user and input directly into the Non Shortage Return Flow Salt Mass slot through the data management interface (DMI).
Three new slots have been added to implement the change. The annual salt mass for the current year is stored in the new Non Shortage Annual Return Flow Salt Mass slot. This value is calculated in January by summing the products of each month’s Return Flow volume and Return Flow Salinity Pickup. Since this value is only valid for the current year of the simulation, it has been made invisible to the user. A monthly non shortage salt mass is calculated each month by multiplying the annual salt mass by the percentage for that month specified in the new Percent of Annual Mass table. The monthly value is stored as a local variable during execution of the method. The monthly diversion demand has also been converted from a user input series slot to an internally calculated value. The equivalent annual shortage is computed by dividing the percent of shortage in a month’s diversion by the percentage of annual demand for that month. This value is specified in the new Percent of Annual Demand table. The remainder of the method is unchanged.
Slots with Required Input Data
• Return Flow Salinity Pickup (returnFlowSalinityPickup)
– SeriesSlot
– additional salt concentration due to the diversion
– This slot is used to calculate the annual non-shortage salt mass.
• Percent of Annual Mass (percentAnnualMass)
– SeriesSlot
– the monthly fraction of annual salt mass
– This slot requires a percentage for each of the 12 months to calculate the monthly non-shortage salt mass.
• Percent of Annual Demand (percentAnnualDemand)
– SeriesSlot
– the monthly fraction of annual diversion demand
– This slot requires a percentage for each of the 12 months to calculate the equivalent annual shortage.
Invisible Slots
• Non Shortage Annual Return Flow Salt Mass (nonShortAnnualRFSaltMass)
– ScalarSlot
– annually redistributed return flow salt mass Stores the salt mass for the current year.
Output Slots
• Return Flow Salt Mass (returnFlowSaltMass)
– SeriesSlot
– mass of salt in return flow
• Return Flow Salt Concentration (returnFlowSaltConc)
– SeriesSlot
– salt concentration of return flow
Minimum Flow Check
The check for minimum flow in the Distribute Annual Salt Loading is no longer hard wired at 10 acre-feet per month. It now uses the Min value on the Outflow slot of the Reach to which the Diversion is linked. This value is scaled from its acre-feet/month units based on the number of days in the current month. Simulation aborts with an error if this value has not been set by the user.
Minimum Concentration Check
The check for outflow minimum salt concentration in Variable Salt Pickup With Debting is no longer hard wired at 50 mg/L. It now uses the Min value on the Outflow Salt Concentration slot of the Reach to which the Diversion is linked. Simulation aborts with an error if this value is needed and has not been set by the user.
Bank Storage Salt
A new Bank Storage Salt User Method Category is available to specify whether or not to account for Bank Storage effects in Salinity calculations. The two user-selectable Methods in this Category are No Bank Storage Salt and Bank Storage Salt. No Bank Storage Salt may be selected regardless of whether or not Bank Storage is calculated for the Reservoir. Bank Storage Salt may only be selected if Bank Storage is calculated for the reservoir.
Revised: 01/11/2023