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A SubBasin is a collection of workspace simulation objects which are grouped under a single name. For example, it may be convenient to specify a SubBasin named “Main River” whose members are all of the Reach and Reservoir objects along the main stem of a riverbasin. The name of the SubBasin may then be used to efficiently represent all of its member objects in calculations. Currently, the use of SubBasin names is only supported for Expression Slots and Optimization Constraints. This functionality will be expanded to the Rulebased Simulation Structured Editor in upcoming releases.
SubBasins and their memberships are set through the SubBasin Manager. This dialog is invoked by selecting Edit SubBasins... from the Workspace menu heading. The default SubBasin is the “Entire Network.” This SubBasin may not be deleted, modified, or renamed. It contains all of the objects on the workspace with the exception of Data Objects. Data Objects may never be included in any SubBasin membership.
Selecting the tree-view arrow to the left of a SubBasin name will display the list of its members. If any Aggregate Objects are members of the SubBasin, selecting the tree-view arrow to the left of their name(s) will display a list of their member Elements. Each of these Aggregate Elements is included in the SubBasin. Elements may not be individually included or excluded from a SubBasin definition. The name of a SubBasin may be changed by selecting its existing name and typing a new name into the resulting edit window. The commands available from the Edit SubBasins dialog are:
File Close to close the SubBasin Manager dialog. This is the same as clicking the Close button at the bottom of the dialog.
SubBasin Insert New Before to define a new SubBasin with the selected objects on the workspace and to insert the name before the currently highlighted SubBasin name.
SubBasin Insert New After to define a new SubBasin with the selected objects on the workspace and to insert the name after the currently highlighted SubBasin name.
SubBasin Append New to define a new SubBasin with the selected objects on the workspace and to insert the name at the end of the SubBasin list.
SubBasin Update From Workspace to redefine the currently highlighted SubBasin. The membership will be cleared and replaced by the selected objects on the workspace.
SubBasin Select on Workspace to highlight the members of the currently selected SubBasin on the workspace.
Object List SubBasin Membership to bring up a new window displaying the SubBasin(s) to which the selected object belongs.
The Remove button will delete the currently selected SubBasin or member.
The Close button closes the SubBasin Manager dialog.
An object’s membership may also be directly displayed without invoking the Edit SubBasins dialog. To do this, first highlight a single object on the workspace. Next, select Workspace List SubBasin Membership from the main RiverWare menu bar. A new window appears listing all SubBasins to which the selected object belongs.
Revised: 01/11/2023