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This section describes changes to RiverWare Units.
Units File Removed
The “units” and “rplUnits” files were removed from the installation folder and combined into the RiverWare executable. A new Units List dialog was added to the Units menu that displays simulation and RPL Units. Select Units, then List Available Units to see all of the conversion factors used.
Figure 8.7  Units List dialog showing conversion factors
For more information on the Units List dialog, see Display Units in User Interface.
New Units
The following new display units were added:
• FlowSquared: kcfs2
• VolumeSquared: kcfsh2
• Volume: kcfsh
• Velocity: ft/fivemin
• FlowPerTime: acre-ft/day-s
• FlowPerTime: acre-ft/day-hr
• FlowPerTime: kcfs/fivemin
• FlowSquared: acre2-ft2/day2
• FlowSquared: acre2-ft2/month2
• FlowSquared: acre2-ft2/year2
• FlowVolume: m6/s
• PowerPerTime: MW/fivemin
Revised: 01/11/2023