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Release Notes : Prior Release Notes : What’s New in Version 8.3 : Special Attention Notes and Known Issues
Special Attention Notes and Known Issues
The section describes special attention notes that indicate changes in functionality that require you to update models, cause model results to differ, or display a warning message when you first load a model in RiverWare Version 8.3.
If you have any questions, contact RiverWare Support:
Changes to NetSubbasinDiversionRequirement RPL Predefined Function
The NetSubbasinDiversionRequirement() RPL predefined function could return incorrect results when called on any timestep other than the current controller timestep. This was fixed in RiverWare Version 8.3 but could lead to numerical differences in results. This was filed as issue RW-6624.
Changes to OpenSSL
Web Service Datasets and DMIs use the OpenSSL library. The following changes were made:
• New 1.1.1 version: The required version of OpenSSL was updated to version 1.1.1 as it is supported and more secure.
• Location of DLLs: The OpenSSL code was modified to also look for OpenSSL DLLs in a folder named ExternalDLLs, one level up from the RiverWare executable—for example, C:\Program Files\CADSWES\ExternalDLLs. This allows you to place the required DLLs in one place so they will be found by future versions of RiverWare.
Warning:  To use USGS and HDB web service DMIs, you must install OpenSSL version 1.1.1
For more information on installing Open SSL, see the OpenSSL Installation document at:
For more information on web service DMIs, see Web Service Tab in Data Management Interface (DMI).
RiverWare use in CWMS
RiverWare Version 8.3 can not be used in the Corps Water Management System (CWMS) version 3.2.2 due to DSS DMI incompatibility. This issue is being investigated and will be addressed as soon as possible. In the meantime, continue using RiverWare Version 8.2.4 in CWMS.
Script Actions to Evaluate Expression Slots
Previously, a script action to evaluate expression slots with mixed timestep sizes failed. This has been fixed, but has the potential to change model behavior, by correctly evaluating expression slots that previously failed.
See Evaluate Expression Slots in Automation Tools for more information on this action.
Revised: 01/11/2023