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General tab
This tab provides a variety of global SCT settings, including pre- and post-simulation timesteps, whether to display simulation run status and NaNs in the SCT, and the how slot values are edited.
Always Synchronize Range with Slots
Select to configure the SCT to always use the same timesteps as the included slots. Selecting this check box disables the remaining time range settings on this dialog box.
Clear this check box if you want to configure the SCT to use a different run control range from the model.
Pre-Run Timesteps
This field is active only if Always Synchronize Range with Slots is selected.
Specify the number of pre-run timesteps to include in the SCT. The default is 0, which indicates the SCT should start at the same timestep as the model.
The specified number of timesteps are added to the beginning of the model run control range on the SCT. See Timestep size for details.
Post-Run Timesteps
Specify the number of post-run timesteps to include in the SCT. The default is 0, which indicates the SCT should end at the same timestep as the model.
The specified number of timesteps are added to the end of the model run control range on the SCT. See Timestep size for details.
Run Control Timestep
Display only. Displays the timestep size defined for the model.
Timestep Size Override
Select to have the SCT use a different timestep size than the model. Select the SCT timestep size in the menu.
Clear to have the SCT use the same timestep size as the model.
Show Run Status in SCT
Select if you want the Status area at the bottom of the SCT to display status information for the current model simulation run. The run status replaces the default status display during and upon completion of a simulation run.
Clear if you want the status area at the bottom of the SCT to always display cell summary information, even during a simulation run.
Display “NaN”
Select if you want the SCT to display undefined numeric values with the string “NaN”.
Clear if you want the SCT to display undefined numeric values as empty, or null, cells.
Show Grid
Select to display a thin border around each cell on the SCT.
Clear to hide the borders around each cell.
Crosshatch Read Only Cells
Select to highlight read-only cells with crosshatching in a user-defined color. See Color tab for the crosshatch color settings.
Clear to have read-only cells display with no special markings.
Read-only cells contain non-editable values. These include cells for expression slots and accounting system slots.
Double-click Data Cell Toggles Detail Rows
This setting allows you to configure what happens when you double-click an SCT cell. By default, double-clicking a cell opens it so you can edit the value directly.
Select if you want to prevent cells from being edited directly when they are double-clicked. Double-clicking a cell does the following:
• The cell remains locked, but you can change the value in the Value field in the SCT toolbar. This applies to all aggregated and non-aggregated views.
• In aggregated view with Show/Hide Details, the aggregation interval display switches between show and hide details. See Enable or disable aggregated view for details.
Clear to use the SCT default behavior in which double-clicking a cell opens it for editing. See Edit slot values manually for details.
Full Precision Editing
Note:  Enabling or disabling this setting applies to all SCT cells and the Value field on the SCT toolbar.
Select to enable full-precision data value editing in all SCT cells and the Value field on the SCT toolbar.
Clear to disable full-precision data value editing in cells and the Value field on the SCT toolbar. You can only edit values to the display precision.
Auto-Evaluate Expression Slots on Edits
Select to cause expression slots included in the SCT to fully evaluate across all timesteps whenever a single timestep value is edited. This causes the SCT to behave like a spreadsheet, where expression slot calculations are performed immediately after editing a value. For example, you might have an expression slot that sums the Outflows from multiple reservoirs. This checkbox allows you to see this sum each time you edit an Outflow.
Note:  This may cause refresh delays in the SCT if there are many expression slots or if the slots do not evaluate quickly.
Series indices
Select one of the following options to indicate the type of slots that can be included in the SCT. An SCT can include either timeseries slots or integer-indexed slots, not both.
• Timesteps (standard)—select to use the SCT to display and manage timeseries data only. All slots included in the SCT have the same timestep size. This is the default option.
• Integers—select to use the SCT to display and manage integer-indexed slots. An integer-indexed SCT has different properties than a timeseries SCT; see Integer-indexed SCTs for details.
Cell Text
In the Cell Text area, select one or both of the following selections:
• Show Flag Letters: show the flag letter(s) for the cell value (I, O, R, for example). This is useful when threshold alert colors override the flag colors.
• Show Priority Numbers: show the rule priority for the cell value. This is useful for rulebased simulation models.
Automatically Resize Column Widths to Fit Data
Use this option to specify if series slot columns should resize automatically. When this option is enabled/checked, column widths will resize to fit the data during certain operations, like stopping a run. In most cases, the columns will only grow, but some operations cause the width to shrink.
If deselected, column widths will be preserved. See the resize operations under the View menu. See SCT View menu
Select to apply the changes and close the SCT Configuration window.
Select to apply the changes and keep the SCT Configuration window open.
Select to cancel the changes and keep the SCT Configuration window open.
Select to cancel the changes and close the SCT Configuration window.
Revised: 01/11/2023