Salt Pickup
This category is dependent on the Variable Salt Pickup method being selected in the Return Flow Salt category.
Salt Pickup Concentration
This method determines the Return Flow Salt Mass as a function of Diversion Salt Concentration, Return Flow Pickup and Return Flow Volume.
Method Details
1. The method converts Total Return Flow, and Total Diversion from a flow to a volume (TotalReturnFlowVol and TotalDiversionVol).
2. The local variable concentrated is computed as follows.
Note: If TotalReturnFlowVol is zero, concentrated is set to zero.
3. Return Flow Salt Concentration is calculated as follows.
– If both local variables concentrated and TotalReturnFlowVol are less than zero, the following calculation is used.
– If not, the following calculation is used.
4. At the end of this method, Return Flow Salt Mass is calculated as follows.
Salt Pickup Mass
This method determines the Return Flow Salt Mass as a function of Diversion Salt Concentration, Return Flow Pickup and Return Flow Volume. The user-specified salt mass can be negative or positive and can add salt even when Return Flow equals zero.
Slots Specific to This Method
Annual Salinity Pickup Mass
Type: Table Slot
Units: Mass
Description: A table holding the Salinity Pickup mass for the year
Note: This slot is not used in any calculations. It is strictly for user comparison purposes.
I/O: Input only
Links: Not Linkable
Annual Return Flow Volume
Type: Table Slot
Units: Volume
Description: A table holding the return flow volume for the year
Note: This slot is not used in any calculations. It is strictly for user comparison purposes.
I/O: Input only
Links: Not Linkable
Return Flow Salinity Pickup Mass
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Mass
Description: slot for salinity pickup mass
Information: user specified salinity pickup mass is entered in the slot.
I/O: Required Input
Links: Not Linkable
Method Details
The method converts Total Return Flow and Total Diversion from a flow to a volume (TotalReturnFlowVol and TotalDiversionVol). The local variable concentrated is computed as follows.
Note: If TotalReturnFlowVol is zero, concentrated is set to zero.
1. The method verifies whether Return Flow Salinity Pickup Mass is valid. If it is not valid, the run terminates and an error is posted. If Total Return Flow equals zero, Return Flow Salinity Pickup and Return Flow Salt Concentration is set equal to zero and Return Flow Salt Mass is calculated as follows.
2. If Total Return Flow does not equal zero, Return Flow Salinity Pickup is calculated as follows.
3. Return Flow Salt Mass is calculated as follows.
4. Return Flow Salt Concentration is calculated as follows.