Dispatch Methods
Solve Salt Given 1 and 2
This dispatch method is available when Propagate Salt is selected.
Required Known Slots
• Flow 1
• Flow 2 Salt Concentration
• Flow 1 Salt Concentration
• Flow 3
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Flow 3 Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of Flow 1 and Flow 2 salt concentrations, and sets the Flow 3 Salt Concentration accordingly.
If Flow 3 is zero, Flow 3 Salt Concentration is set to 0.
Finally, Flow 1 Salt Mass, Flow 2 Salt Mass, and Flow 3 Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.
Solve Salt Given 1 and 3
This dispatch method is available when Propagate Salt is selected.
Required Known Slots
• Flow 1
• Flow 3
• Flow 1 Salt Concentration
• Flow 3 Salt Concentration
• Flow 2
Required Unknown Slots
• Flow 2 Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of Flow 1 and Flow 3 salt concentrations, and sets the Flow 2 salt concentration accordingly.
If Flow 2 is zero, Flow 2 Salt Concentration is set to 0.
Finally, Flow 1 Salt Mass, Flow 2 Salt Mass, and Flow 3 Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.
Solve Salt Given 2 and 3
This dispatch method is available when Propagate Salt is selected.
Required Known Slots
• Flow 1
• Flow 3
• Flow 2
• Flow 3 Salt Concentration
• Flow 2 Salt Concentration
Required Unknown Slots
• Flow 1 Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of the Flow 2 and Flow 3 salt concentrations, and sets the Flow 1 salt concentration accordingly.
If Flow 1 is zero, Flow 1 Salt Concentration is set to 0.
Finally, Flow 1 Salt Mass, Flow 2 Salt Mass, and Flow 3 Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.