Dispatch Methods
Solve Return Flow Salt Conc Sequential
This dispatch method is available for the Salinity method when the water user is on a Sequential Agg Diversion Site. This method computes the Return Flow Salt Concentration (and Mass) and Outgoing Salt Concentration (and Mass).
Required Known Slots
• Diversion Salt Concentration
• Return Flow
• Diversion
• Outgoing Available Water
Required Unknown Slots
• Return Flow Salt Concentration
• Outgoing Salt Concentration
Method Details
First, execute the selected method in the Salt Storage category. This computes Return Flow Salt Mass and Concentration.
Next, the portion of the outgoing water that is from Return Flow is computed, called outgoingFromRF. The purpose is to determine which water has been used and which has not been used as “used” water has the Return Flow Salt Concentration while “unused” water has the Diversion Salt Concentration. This computation depends on the selected Return Flow Split method as described on the Water User documentation and the linking of various slots. Basically, if the return flow slot (Surface Return Flow, Return Flow, or Routed Return Flow) is linked, it is going elsewhere and not available to the next element. If it is not linked, it is considered outgoingFromRF. Thus:
If using Soil Moisture Salt with Supplemental Flow, the equation is as follows:
A variable with “Vol” appended is the same variable converted to a volume.
Finally, Outgoing Salt Concentration is computed based on the Outgoing Salt Mass and Outgoing Water Available.
Solve Return Flow Salt Conc
This dispatch method is available for the Salinity method when the water user is standalone or on a “No Structure” Agg Diversion Site. This method computes the Return Flow Salt Concentration (and Mass). Execute the selected method in the Salt Storage category.
Required Known Slots
• Diversion Salt Concentration
• Return Flow
• Diversion
Required Unknown Slots
• Return Flow Salt Concentration