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RiverSMART Help : Prior Release Notes : Release Notes RiverSMART 1.7.2
Release Notes RiverSMART 1.7.2
The RiverWare event configuration dialog now has a “Show Simulation Status” checkbox. If checked (the default), RiverSMART will display the simulation status dialog (as it has in the past). If unchecked RiverSMART won’t display the dialog. This can be useful for scenarios which simulate quickly, where the constant opening and closing of the dialog would be a distraction.
Improved confirmation dialog for re-simulating scenarios. Long scenario lists no longer cause dialog to expand so buttons are off screen.
Added the ability to simulate scenarios without displaying the distributed MRM controller user interface.
Modified the About dialog to include the build date and time.
Improved the scenarios lists for efficiency.
Bug Fixes
Table 1.8  Issues addressed
Issue with Run Range event when generating scenarios where environment variables weren’t properly substituted in the R script path.
Validation reported false negatives when RiverWare was installed as an administrator.
Inactive and hidden scenarios weren’t removed from their respective lists when scenarios were regenerated.
Revised: 07/08/2023