Dispatch Methods
Solve Temperature
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow Temperature method.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2 Heat
• Inflow2
• Outflow
• Inflow1 Heat
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Heat
Method Details
This method simply adds heat associated with Inflow1 and Inflow2. It then sets the outflow heat equal to this sum. For example:
(8.1) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.01.jpg)
Solve Salt Given In 1 and 2
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow Salt method.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
• Outflow
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method computes the Salt Mass for each Inflow (based on concentration and flow). Then the method simply adds the salt mass associated with Inflow1 and Inflow2. It then sets the salt mass equal to this sum. For example:
(8.2) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.02.jpg)
Outflow Salt Concentration is computed based on the Outflow Salt Mass and Outflow.
Solve Temp and Salt
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow Temp and Salt.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2 Heat
• Inflow1 Heat
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
• Outflow
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Heat
• Outflow Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method computes the Salt Mass for each Inflow (based on concentration and flow). Then the method simply adds heat and salt mass associated with Inflow1 and Inflow2. It then sets the outflow heat and salt mass equal to this sum. For example:
(8.3) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.03.jpg)
(8.4) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.04.jpg)
Outflow Salt Concentration is computed based on the Outflow Salt Mass and Outflow.
Solve Temp and DO
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow Temp and DO.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2
• Inflow1 Ammonia Mass
• Inflow2 Ammonia Mass
• Inflow1 Detritus Mass
• Inflow2 Detritus Mass
• Inflow1 Dissolved Organics Mass
• Inflow2 Dissolved Organics Mass
• Inflow1 Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Inflow2 Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Inflow1 Heat
• Inflow2 Heat
• Outflow
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Ammonia Mass
• Outflow Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Outflow Detritus Mass
• Outflow Heat
• Outflow Dissolved Organics Mass
Method Details
Solve Temp Salt and DO
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow Temp Salt and DO.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2 Ammonia Mass
• Inflow1 Ammonia Mass
• Inflow2 Detritus Mass
• Inflow1 Detritus Mass
• Inflow2 Dissolved Organics Mass
• Inflow1 Dissolved Organics Mass
• Inflow2 Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Inflow1 Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Inflow2 Heat
• Inflow1 Heat
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
• Outflow
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Ammonia Mass
• Outflow Dissolved Oxygen Mass
• Outflow Detritus Mass
• Outflow Heat
• Outflow Dissolved Organics Mass
• Outflow Salt Concentration
Method Details
Solve Salt Given In 1 and 2
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow or Inflow Salt method.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
• Outflow
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Outflow Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of the inflows, and their respective salt concentrations, and sets the outflow salt concentration accordingly.
(8.16) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.16.jpg)
If Outflow is zero, Outflow Salt Concentration is set to 0. Finally, Inflow1 Salt Mass, Inflow2 Salt Mass, and Outflow Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.
Solve Salt Given In 1 and Out
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow or Inflow Salt method.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Outflow
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
• Outflow Salt Concentration
• Inflow2
Required Unknown Slots
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of inflow1 and outflow salt concentrations, and sets the Inflow2 salt concentration accordingly.
(8.17) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.17.jpg)
If Inflow2 is zero, Inflow2 Salt Concentration is set to 0. Finally, Inflow1 Salt Mass, Inflow2 Salt Mass, and Outflow Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.
Solve Salt Given In 2 and Out
This dispatch method is available for the Solve Outflow or Inflow Salt method.
Required Known Slots
• Inflow1
• Outflow
• Inflow2
• Outflow Salt Concentration
• Inflow2 Salt Concentration
Required Unknown Slots
• Inflow1 Salt Concentration
Method Details
This method simply takes a weighted average of the Inflow2 and Outflow salt concentrations, and sets the Inflow1 salt concentration accordingly.
(8.18) ![](../WaterQuality/images/ConfluenceWQ.09.5.18.jpg)
If Inflow1 is zero, Inflow1 Salt Concentration is set to 0. Finally, Inflow1 Salt Mass, Inflow2 Salt Mass, and Outflow Salt Mass are set as the product of the concentration and the volume.