General Slots
Type: Series Slot
Units: flow
Description: Flow diverted around the power plant
Information: Set to the sum of Min Bypass and any excess water that the turbines cannot pass. If Turbine Release is known, is set to (or Outflow) minus Turbine Release.
I/O: Output
Links: Not linkable
Type: Series Slot
Units: FLOW
Description: Flow into the power plant
I/O: Input or Output
Links: May be linked to the Outflow of another object.
Max Turbine Release
Type: Table Slot
Units: flow
Description: Maximum flow which can pass through the turbines.
Information: A single value must be input.
I/O: Required input
Links: Not linkable
Min Bypass
Type: Series Slot
Units: flow
Description: Flow intentionally diverted around the power plant.
Information: Assumed to be zero in Bypass calculation if not user input.
I/O: Input
Links: Not linkable
Type: Series Slot
Units: flow
Description: Flow rate below the power plant
Information: Set to the sum of Turbine Release and Bypass.
I/O: Input or Output
Links: May be linked to the Inflow of another object.
Power Plant Cap Fraction
Type: Series Slot
Units: None
Description: Fraction of the capacity at which the plant is operating.
Information: Used when the plant is not operating at full capacity (for example, a turbine in not functional)
I/O: Optional, the slot defaults to 1 if not input by the user.
Links: Not linkable
Turbine Release
Type: Series Slot
Units: flow
Description: Flow passing through the turbines.
Information: This value is used in power calculations.
I/O: Input or Output
Links: Not linkable