Thermal Objective Reported
These methods are used to report the simulation calculation of an objective function value used in optimization. The Thermal Objective Reported category is dependent on selecting the Calculate Thermal Economic Value evaluation method. The objective value reported consists of a diagnostic message and is also stored in the Thermal Total Values table slot. The methods have no dependent slots.
No diagnostic message is printed for the objective.
Avoided Cost
The Thermal Avoided Operating Cost is reported.
Avoided Cost Plus Cumulative Storage Value
The combined value of the ending Total Cumulative Storage plus the Thermal Avoided Operating Cost is reported.
Avoided Cost Plus Net Cumulative Storage Value
The combined value of the net increase in Total Cumulative Storage during the run plus the Thermal Avoided Operating Cost is reported. The net increase equals the Total Cumulative Value of Storage on the last time period of the run minus the Total Cumulative Value of Storage at the starting time step.
Avoided Cost Plus Net CSV Plus Net Regulation
The combined value of the net increase in Total Cumulative Storage during the run, the Thermal Avoided Operating Cost, and the net value of frequency regulation (minus regulation operating costs) is reported.