Aggregation Functions
The SCT was improved to allow you to quickly specify the summary function for aggregating timesteps for one or more slots on the SCT.
Interpolate Shortcut
“Ctrl-L” was added as an accelerator (shortcut) to the Interpolate operation in SCT dialogs.
Lock is Preserved
The SCT’s lock status is now preserved when an SCT is saved and re-opened. Previously, it was always locked when the SCT was opened.
Series List tab
A new tab was added to the SCT, Edit Series Slot List. This tab provides a list of all the series slots in the SCT and allows you to easily rearrange and reorganize them. It has the following features:
• It is the default tab when a new SCT is created.
• You can add, delete, or move slots up or down in the list. You can move a single selected slot or move a group of selected slots.
• You can re-label slots.
• You can group slots together and give them a label in the divider.
• You can Create Similar Groups of slots. For example if you have five slots for a given reservoir, you can quickly add those same five slots for each reservoir in your system.