Flow from Below
These methods control how flows into the aquifer are represented from the Below direction.
No Flow
No flows enter the aquifer from below. This is the default method in this category
Compute Flow using Heads
This method computes the Flow from Below based on the difference in previous computational timestep heads and the conductance.
Slots Specific to This Method
Flow from Below
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: The flow that enters into this Aquifer from the below object, usually another Aquifer
Information: For this method, the slot will have values only at the computational timestep. Positive values indicate flow into this Aquifer.
I/O: Output only
Links: Not linked for this method
Conductance Below
Type: Scalar
Units: AreaPerTime
Description: The conductance from the below object to this Aquifer.
Information: The Conductance Below must be the same as the linked object’s Conductance Above.
I/O: Required Input
Links: Not Linkable
Head Below Previous
Type: Series
Units: Length
Description: The head of the object below at the previous computational timestep.
Information: This slot will have values only at the computational timestep.
I/O: Output only
Links: Link to the Head Previous of the below aquifer object.
Method Details
At run start the object will check if:
If so, an error is issued at run start. These two slots must be the same or water will be lost or gained between the two objects.
This method computes the flow into the Aquifer from below:
Note: This equation is applied at the computational timestep.