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Objects and Methods : Water User : User Methods : Max Supplemental Request
Max Supplemental Request
This method category is available to Water Users when the Supplement Diversion method in the Conjunctive Use category is selected. It solves for the Maximum Supplement Request slot used in Conjunctive Use calculations.
* None
This is the default user method. It performs no calculations.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Input Max Request
This method instantiates the Maximum Supplement Request slot for user input.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Maximum Supplement Request
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: User-specified maximum supplemental request
I/O: Optional, not used if not input or set by a rule
* GW Elevation Max Request
This method calculates the Maximum Supplement Request slot value based upon groundwater elevations at the previous timestep.
Values for the Previous Groundwater Elevation slot are set somewhat differently depending on the linking structure. When the No Structure linking structure is selected or the Water User is a standalone object, Previous Groundwater Elevation values are set by a link to a Groundwater Storage object’s Previous Groundwater Elevation slot. When the Sequential Structure is selected, a Previous Groundwater Elevation slot also becomes available on the parent Agg Diversion Site object. When this is the case, the user should link the Agg Diversion Site’s Previous Groundwater Elevation slot to the Groundwater Storage object. An automatic link exists between the Agg Diversion Site ant its elements so it is not necessary to link the Previous Groundwater Elevation slot on the Water Users for the sequential linking structure.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Max Request Table
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length vs. Flow
Description: User input relating groundwater elevation and maximum supplemental request
I/O: Required input
 Previous Groundwater Elevation
Type: Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Previous groundwater elevation propagated across a link
Information: When the sequential linking structure is active, this slot is automatically linked to the Previous Groundwater elevation slot on the Aggregate object. Only the Aggregate object should be linked to the Groundwater Storage object. When the No Structure method is active or the Water User is a standalone object, this slot should be linked by the user to the Groundwater Storage object
I/O: Optional; usually set by a link
 Maximum Supplement Request
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Maximum supplemental request based upon Max Request Table
I/O: Output only
Method Details  
Maximum Supplement Request is calculated by interpolation of the Max Request Table using the Previous Groundwater Elevation.
Revised: 07/03/2024