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Gain Loss Coefficient
This category is available on reaches. Methods in this category determine the type of slot in which gain loss coefficients are entered.
* Constant Gain Loss Coefficient
Under this method, a scalar slot is added where a single non-time varying gain loss coefficient can be specified.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Gain Loss Coefficient
Type: Scalar
Units: Decimal
Alternate Units: NA
Description: If defined, this scalar value is multiplied by the passthrough account’s flow (routed Inflows plus Slot Inflow minus Diversion) to calculate Gain Loss.
Warning:  A positive Gain Loss Coefficient represents a loss. A negative coefficient is a gain. Also, this sign is opposite to the physical gain loss coefficient on a reach.
I/O: Optional Input
* Variable Gain Loss Coefficient
Selecting this method provides a series slot for the entry of gain loss coefficients.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Variable Gain Loss Coefficient
Type: Series
Units: Decimal
Alternate Units: NA
Description: Coefficients applicable to individual timesteps can be entered. If defined for the timestep, the coefficient value is multiplied by the passthrough account’s flow (routed Inflows plus Slot Inflow minus Diversion) to calculate Gain Loss.
Warning:  A positive Gain Loss Coefficient represents a loss. A negative coefficient is a gain. Also, this sign is opposite to the physical gain loss coefficient on a reach.
I/O: Optional Input
* Periodic Gain Loss Coefficient
Under this method, a periodic slot is provided for the entry of gain loss coefficients.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Periodic Gain Loss Coefficient
Type: Periodic
Units: Decimal
Alternate Units: NA
Description: Coefficients can be entered by the periods specified in the slot. If defined for the period, the coefficient value is multiplied by the passthrough account’s flow (routed Inflows plus Slot Inflow minus Diversion) to calculate Gain Loss. By default, the slot is configured to Lookup. It can be configured to Interpolate.
Warning:  A positive Gain Loss Coefficient represents a loss. A negative coefficient is a gain. Also, this sign is opposite to the physical gain loss coefficient on a reach.
I/O: Optional Input
Revised: 12/06/2024