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Objects and Methods : Pipe Junction : User Methods : Pipe Junction Hydraulics
Pipe Junction Hydraulics
The user-selectable methods for Pipe Junction Hydraulics include None and Propagate Head.
None is the default method and performs no calculations.
Propagate Head uses the input/linked value for the known head to calculate the unknown heads.
* None
This is the default method and performs no calculations.
* Propagate Head
This method uses the values for the known head to calculate the unknown heads.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Flow 1 Head
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Head at the Pipe Junction Flow 1.
I/O: Input or linked
 Flow 2 Head
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Head at the Pipe Junction Flow 2
I/O: Output
 Flow 3 Head
Type: SeriesSlot
Units: Length
Description: Head at the Pipe Junction Flow 3
I/O: Output
Type: ScalarSlot
Units: No Units
Description: A value ranging from 0 to 1.0; used for convergence in all iterative calculations
Information: Input only; defaults to 0.001 if not input
I/O: Not linkable
Method Details  
The head must be specified for one of the known flow values. For example, if Flow 3 and Flow 2 are known, a value must be known (input, rules, or linked) for either flow 3 Head or Flow 2 Head. If both are specified, they must be within convergence of each other, or an error message is posted. If neither are known, the method stops and waits for a value to be known.
The known head slot is used to solve for the other two unknown head slots. All three head slots will have the same head value.
Revised: 12/06/2024