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Objects and Methods : Water User : User Methods : Multiple Supply Sources
Multiple Supply Sources
The Multiple Supply Sources category contains a method that adds the Supply From Reservoirs slot. This slot is used by a predefined RPL function (ComputeReservoirDiversions) that determines diversions from multiple reservoirs to meet the Diversion Requested on a single Water User object. In this case, the reservoir object also usually serve more than one Water User. See ComputeReservoirDiversions in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL) for details.
* None
There are no slots or calculation associated with this method
* Multiple Supply Reservoirs
This method adds the Supply From Reservoirs slot that is used by a RPL predefined function (ComputeReservoirDiversions) that computes multiple reservoir diversions. There are no calculations associated with this method. See ComputeReservoirDiversions in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL) for details.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Supply From Reservoirs
Type: No Compute Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Delivery from each reservoir that supplies the water user object
Information: A link is created to the Multi Outflow slot on each Diversion Object that connects to a possible supply reservoir. The values in this slot are determined by a predefined RPL function (ComputeReservoirDiversions). See ComputeReservoirDiversions in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL) for details.
I/O: Output only
 Maximum Delivery Rates
Type: Table Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Maximum delivery rate associated with each source specified in the Supply From Reservoirs slot
Information: Each column will be dynamically generated to correspond to a subslot/link to the Supply From Reservoir slot. At beginning of run, a check will make sure there is a column and value on this slot for each subslot on the Supply From Reservoirs slot.
Revised: 12/06/2024