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Future Value
This category and its methods are not dependent on other method selections.
* None
* Cumulative Storage Value Table
In RPL-Optimization, the Cumulative Storage Value is Numerically Approximated as described below.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Cumulative Storage Value
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: $
Description: Represents the future energy value of the current storage
Defined by: 2-D approximation in terms of Anticipated Storage, based upon the Cumul Stor Val Table. The Cumul Stor Val LP Param table values (Storage) are used as approximation points indexing the Cumul Stor Val Table. The Cumul Stor Val Table should have increasing values of Storage and Cumulative Value. Cumulative Storage Value is required to be a concave function of Anticipated Storage. The preferred order of approximation is substitution, piece-wise, tangent, two-point line. The Cumul Stor Val Linearization Automation category’s Marginal Value to Table and Lin method can automate creation of the Cumul Stor Val LP Param table and the Cumul Stor Val Table.
 Anticipated Storage
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: The combination of the actual storage plus water that would be expected to enter the reservoir after the Current Timestep but has not yet, due to lagging.
Defined by:  
 Cumul Stor Val Table
Type: Table Slot
Units: Volume vs Value
Description: The estimated total economic value of water stored in the reservoir for discrete storage values.
Defined by: User input or by automated procedure if Cumul Stor Val Linearization Automation category has selected the Marginal Value to Table and Lin method.
 Marginal Storage Value Table
Type: Table Slot
Units: Storage vs $ Value
Description: Anticipated Storage versus Cumulative Storage Value per unit energy
Information: This table should be increasing in storage, and logically decreasing in marginal value
Defined by: Required input
 Spill Cost
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: $
Defined by:  
Revised: 12/06/2024