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Gain Loss
Of the available methods, None and Constant Gain Loss are supported; selection of any other method may result in an error during the start of run.
See Gain Loss in Objects and Methods for details on the Simulation methods.
* None
This method is the default for this category. It should be used if gains and losses are not required in the model.
* Constant Gain Loss
This method allows the user to specify constant-value parameters for GainLoss. As such, the parameters are used directly in the RPL Optimization problem. No special consideration of slot values is necessary in RPL Optimization.
In defining the Inflows expression described at the beginning of this section, the following formula applies:
(5.35)    Inflows = (Preliminary Inflows * GainLoss Coeff) + GainLoss
Preliminary Inflows may equal Inflow, Inflow + Local Inflow, or appropriate time lagged inflow. See Routing Routing for additional detail on the lagged inflow.
See Constant Gain Loss in Objects and Methods for details on the Simulation method.
Revised: 12/06/2024