The following changes have been made to RiverWare scripts.
Modified Script Actions
The following script actions were modified.
Analyze Ensemble Data Set
See the important note in
Analyze Ensemble Data Set Unit Changes regarding the use of units in the Analyze Ensemble Data Set action.
In addition, the following enhancements were made to the Analyze Ensemble Data Set action.
• Settings were added to optionally allow the writing of results to ensemble data set objects and to make it optional as to whether to write results to simulation objects. For more information on Ensemble Data Set objects, see
Ensemble Data Set Object.
• A setting was added for the handling of NaNs. The options include: Error if any NaNs, Ignore NaNs, and Error if all NaNs.
• Settings were added to allow filtering of traces. Options include all traces, specification of a trace range, or selection of specific traces.
All Analyze Ensemble Data Set actions in existing models will maintain their previous behavior by default. See
Analyze Ensemble Data Set in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Configure MRM Input DMI
This action has been enhanced with the ability to override the input DMI repeat count from the dashboard. See
Configure MRM Input DMI in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Execute MRM Run
The action has been enhanced to support distributed multiple runs. New settings control whether distributed multiple runs should be allowed and if so, when to close the distributed multiple run controller. See
Execute MRM Run in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Set Controller
This action has been enhanced when the Optimization controller is selected with a new setting to specify whether to use an Optimization Restore Point, and if yes, the name of the restore point. See
Optimization Restore Points for Advanced Start for more information on Restore Points. See
Set Controller in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Synchronize Slots
The action has been enhanced with functionality to synchronize slots to an alternate timestep. New settings control whether slots are synchronized to the run step or the configured step. Also, symbolic start and end dates are rounded to the step. See
Synchronize Slots in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
New Script Actions
The following new script actions were added.
Compute Duration Curve
A new
Compute Duration Curve script action type was developed that allows the computation of durations curve statistics for slots in an Ensemble Data Set. See
Compute Duration Curve in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Compute Regression
The script action
Compute Regression performs a multiple linear regression analysis on scalar slots in an Ensemble Data Set. The dependent variable and independent variables must be scalar slots. The primary outputs, the regression coefficients, are written to one table slot. Four other table slots report statistics regarding the regression quality. See
Compute Scalar Regression in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Configure MRM Traces
Configure MRM Traces script action allows you to configure the first trace and number of traces for MRM configurations in either Index Sequential Mode or Traces Mode. The number of traces can be set from the script dashboard. See
Configure MRM Traces in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Configure Trace Directory DMI
Configure Trace Directory DMI script action configures the trace number to use outside of MRM for a Trace-Directory DMI. The trace number can be set from the script dashboard. See
Configure Trace Directory DMI in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Import Optimization Restore Point
Import Optimization Restore Point action imports a restore point saved as a file. See
Optimization Restore Points for Advanced Start for more information on optimization restore points. Also, see
Import Optimization Restore Point in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Export Optimization Restore Point
Export Optimization Restore Point action exports a restore point to a specified file. See
Optimization Restore Points for Advanced Start for more information on optimization restore points. Also, see
Export Optimization Restore Point in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Export Table Slot as CSV
Export Table Slots as CSV action exports the selected table slot to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. See
Export Table Slot as CSV in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Set Optimization Integer Parameter
The new
Set Optimization Integer Parameter action sets the value of any optimization parameter that has an integer type. For example, set the number of optimization threads for various types of optimization runs. See
Set Optimization Parameter in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Script Dashboard - Improved Execute Run Display
The Script Dashboard previously displayed a simple progress bar for the Execute Run and Execute MRM Run actions. These actions have been modified to show the information displayed on the Run Control dialog including display of the current timestep or optimization goal. For the Execute MRM Run action, a new bar indicates the progress of the overall MRM runs, where appropriate, and another bar shows the progress for individual runs.
See the following links for more information: